Clause A.3 defines the numeric identifiers for all of the numeric NodeIds defined by the OPC UA Specification. The identifiers are specified in a UTF8 encoded CSV file. The syntax is informative and provided to assist developers of tools. The UANodeSet is the normative source for all identifiers.

Each line in the CSV file has the following fields:

<SymbolName>, <Identifier>, <NodeClass>

Where the SymbolName is either the BrowseName of a Type Node or the BrowsePath for an Instance Node that appears in the specification and the Identifier is numeric value for the NodeId. Each SymbolName is unique within the CSV file.

The BrowsePath for an instance Node may be constructed by appending the BrowseName of the instance Node to BrowseName for the containing instance or type. A ‘_’ character is used to separate each BrowseName in the path. For example, OPC 10000-5 defines the ServerType ObjectType Node which has the NamespaceArray Property. The SymbolName for the NamespaceArray InstanceDeclaration within the ServerType declaration is: ServerType_NamespaceArray. OPC 10000-5 also defines a standard instance of the ServerType ObjectType with the BrowseNameServer’. The BrowseName for the NamespaceArray Property of the standard Server Object is: Server_NamespaceArray.

When Nodes do not have a parent that allows the creation of unique SymbolNames then an ad-hoc convention should be adopted. For example, DataTypeEncoding Nodes have the form:


The NamespaceUri for all NodeIds defined is

The CSV released with this version of the standards can be found here:

NOTE The latest CSV that is compatible with this version of the standard can be found here: