Most built-in types are encoded in XML using the formats defined in XML Schema Part 2 specification. Any special restrictions or usages are discussed below. Some of the built-in types have an XML Schema defined for them using the syntax defined in XML Schema Part 2.
The prefix xs: is used to denote a symbol defined by the XML Schema specification.
A Boolean value is encoded as an xs:boolean value.
Integer values are encoded using one of the subtypes of the xs:decimal type. The mappings between the OPC UA integer types and XML schema data types are shown in Table 33.
Table 33 – XML Data Type Mappings for Integers
Name |
XML Type |
SByte |
xs:byte |
Byte |
xs:unsignedByte |
Int16 |
xs:short |
UInt16 |
xs:unsignedShort |
Int32 |
xs:int |
UInt32 |
xs:unsignedInt |
Int64 |
xs:long |
UInt64 |
xs:unsignedLong |
Floating point values are encoded using one of the XML floating point types. The mappings between the OPC UA floating point types and XML schema data types are shown in Table 34.
Table 34 – XML Data Type Mappings for Floating Points
Name |
XML Type |
Float |
xs:float |
Double |
xs:double |
The XML floating point type supports positive infinity (INF), negative infinity (-INF) and not-a-number (NaN).
A String value is encoded as an xs:string value.
Strings with embedded nulls (‘\u0000’) are not guaranteed to be interoperable because not all DevelopmentPlatforms can handle Strings with embedded nulls. For this reason, embedded nulls are not recommended. Encoders may encode Strings with embedded nulls. Decoders shall read all bytes in String; however, decoders may truncate the String at the first embedded null before passing it on to the application.
A DateTime value is encoded as an xs:dateTime value.
All DateTime values shall be encoded as UTC times or with the time zone explicitly specified.
It is recommended that all xs:dateTime values be represented in UTC format.
The earliest and latest date/time values that can be represented on a DevelopmentPlatform have special meaning and shall not be literally encoded in XML.
The earliest date/time value on a DevelopmentPlatform shall be encoded in XML as '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'.
The latest date/time value on a DevelopmentPlatform shall be encoded in XML as '9999-12-31T23:59:59Z'
If a decoder encounters a xs:dateTime value that cannot be represented on the DevelopmentPlatform it should convert the value to either the earliest or latest date/time that can be represented on the DevelopmentPlatform. The XML decoder should not generate an error if it encounters an out of range date value.
The earliest date/time value on a DevelopmentPlatform is equivalent to a null date/time value.
A Guid is encoded using the string representation defined in 5.1.3.
The XML schema for a Guid is:
<xs:complexType name="Guid">
<xs:element name="String" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
A ByteString value is encoded as an xs:base64Binary value (see Base64).
The XML schema for a ByteString is:
<xs:element name="ByteString" type="xs:base64Binary" nillable="true"/>
An XmlElement value is encoded as an xs:complexType with the following XML schema:
<xs:complexType name="XmlElement">
<xs:any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" processContents="lax" />
XmlElements may only be used inside Variant or ExtensionObject values.
A NodeId value is encoded as an xs:string with the syntax defined in 5.1.12.
The XML schema for a NodeId is:
<xs:complexType name="NodeId">
<xs:element name="Identifier" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
An ExpandedNodeId value is encoded as an xs:string with the syntax defined in 5.1.12.
The XML schema for an ExpandedNodeId is:
<xs:complexType name="ExpandedNodeId">
<xs:element name="Identifier" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
A StatusCode is encoded as an xs:unsignedInt with the following XML schema:
<xs:complexType name="StatusCode">
<xs:element name="Code" type="xs:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0" />
An DiagnosticInfo value is encoded as an xs:complexType with the following XML schema:
<xs:complexType name="DiagnosticInfo">
<xs:element name="SymbolicId" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="NamespaceUri" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Locale" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0/>
<xs:element name="LocalizedText" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0/>
<xs:element name="AdditionalInfo" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="InnerStatusCode" type="tns:StatusCode"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="InnerDiagnosticInfo" type="tns:DiagnosticInfo"
minOccurs="0" />
DiagnosticInfo is recursive and unlimited recursion could result in stack overflow errors even if the message size is less than the maximum allowed. Decoders shall support at least 4 recursion levels and are not expected to support more than 10. Decoders shall report an error if the number of recursion levels exceeds what it supports.
A QualifiedName value is encoded as an xs:complexType with the following XML schema:
<xs:complexType name="QualifiedName">
<xs:element name="NamespaceIndex" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
A LocalizedText value is encoded as an xs:complexType with the following XML schema:
<xs:complexType name="LocalizedText">
<xs:element name="Locale" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Text" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
An ExtensionObject value is encoded as an xs:complexType with the following XML schema:
<xs:complexType name="ExtensionObject">
<xs:element name="TypeId" type="tns:NodeId" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Body" minOccurs="0">
<xs:any minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>
The body of the ExtensionObject contains a single element which is either a ByteString or XML encoded Structure. A decoder can distinguish between the two by inspecting the top-level element. An XML element with the name tns:ByteString contains an OPC UA Binary encoded body. Any other XML element name shall contain an OPC UA XML encoded body. Other DataEncodings may not be serialized in an ExtensionObject.
The TypeId should be the NodeId for the DataTypeEncoding Node. The NodeId of DataType Node may also be used when the body is encoded with the XML encoding.
A Variant value is encoded as an xs:complexType with the following XML schema:
<xs:complexType name="Variant">
<xs:element name="Value" minOccurs="0" nillable="true">
<xs:any minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>
If the Variant represents a scalar value, then it shall contain a single child element with the name of the built-in type. For example, the single precision floating point value 3.1415 would be encoded as:
If the Variant represents a single dimensional array, then it shall contain a single child element with the prefix 'ListOf' and the name built-in type. For example, an Array of strings would be encoded as:
If the Variant represents a multidimensional Array, then it shall contain a child element with the name ‘Matrix’ with the two sub-elements shown in this example:
In this example, the array has the following elements:
[0,0] = "A"; [0,1] = "B"; [1,0] = "C"; [1,1] = "D"
The elements of a multi-dimensional Array are always flattened into a single dimensional Array where the higher rank dimensions are serialized first. This single dimensional Array is encoded as a child of the ‘Elements’ element. The ‘Dimensions’ element is an Array of Int32 values that specify the dimensions of the array starting with the lowest rank dimension. The multi-dimensional Array can be reconstructed by using the dimensions encoded. All dimensions shall be specified and shall be greater than zero. If the dimensions are inconsistent with the number of elements in the array, then the decoder shall stop and raise a Bad_DecodingError.
The complete set of built-in type names is found in Table 1.
A DataValue value is encoded as a xs:complexType with the following XML schema:
<xs:complexType name="DataValue">
<xs:element name="Value" type="tns:Variant" minOccurs="0"
nillable="true" />
<xs:element name="StatusCode" type="tns:StatusCode"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="SourceTimestamp" type="xs:dateTime"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="SourcePicoseconds" type="xs:unsignedShort"
<xs:element name="ServerTimestamp" type="xs:dateTime"
minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="ServerPicoseconds" type="xs:unsignedShort"
The subtypes of the built-in DataTypes described in 5.3.1 are encoded as the base Built-in DataType.
A Decimal Value is a encoded as an xs:complexType with the following XML schema:
<xs:complexType name="Decimal">
<xs:element name="TypeId" type="tns:NodeId" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Body" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Scale" type="xs:short" />
<xs:element name="Value" type="xs:string" />
The NodeId is always the NodeId of the Decimal DataType. When encoded in a Variant the Decimal is encoded as an ExtensionObject. Arrays of Decimals are Arrays of ExtensionObjects.
The Value is a base-10 signed integer with no limit on size. See 5.1.10 for a description of the Scale and Value fields.
Enumerations that are used as parameters in the Messages defined in OPC 10000-4 are encoded as xs:string with the following syntax:
The elements of the syntax are described in Table 35.
Table 35 – Components of Enumeration
Field |
Type |
Description |
<symbol> |
String |
The symbolic name for the enumerated value. |
<value> |
UInt32 |
The numeric value associated with enumerated value. |
For example, the XML schema for the NodeClass enumeration is:
<xs:simpleType name="NodeClass">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Unspecified_0" />
<xs:enumeration value="Object_1" />
<xs:enumeration value="Variable_2" />
<xs:enumeration value="Method_4" />
<xs:enumeration value="ObjectType_8" />
<xs:enumeration value="VariableType_16" />
<xs:enumeration value="ReferenceType_32" />
<xs:enumeration value="DataType_64" />
<xs:enumeration value="View_128" />
Enumerations that are stored in a Variant are encoded as an Int32 value.
For example, any Variable could have a value with a DataType of NodeClass. In this case, the corresponding numeric value is placed in the Variant (e.g. NodeClass Object would be stored as a 1).
One dimensional Array parameters are always encoded by wrapping the elements in a container element and inserting the container into the structure. The name of the container element should be the name of the parameter. The name of the element in the array shall be the type name.
For example, the Read service takes an array of ReadValueIds. The XML schema would look like:
<xs:complexType name="ListOfReadValueId">
<xs:element name="ReadValueId" type="tns:ReadValueId"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" nillable="true" />
The nillable attribute shall be specified because XML encoders will drop elements in arrays if those elements are empty.
Multi-dimensional Array parameters are encoded using the Matrix type defined in
Structures are encoded as a xs:complexType with all of the fields appearing as a sequence of xs:elements. Each element has a name specified by the name of the field in the DataTypeDefinition. All elements have minOccurs set 0 to allow for compact XML representations. If an element is missing the DefaultValue for the field type is used. If the field type is a structure the DefaultValue is an instance of the structure with DefaultValues for each contained field.
The XML type for an element name is xs:name and it restricts the set of characters that are permitted. If a DataType name or its field names uses characters that are not permitted then the name encoding rules in 5.1.13 shall be used.
Types which have a NULL value defined shall have the nillable="true" flag set.
For example, the Read service has a ReadValueId structure in the request. The XML schema would look like:
<xs:complexType name="ReadValueId">
<xs:element name="NodeId" type="tns:NodeId"
minOccurs="0" nillable="true" />
<xs:element name="AttributeId" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="IndexRange" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" nillable="true" />
<xs:element name="DataEncoding" type="tns:NodeId"
minOccurs="0" nillable="true" />
Structures with optional fields are encoded as a xs:complexType with all of the fields appearing as a sequence of xs:elements. The first element is a bit mask that specifies what fields are encoded. The bits in the mask are sequentially assigned to optional fields in the order they appear in the Structure. The rest of the elements have a name specified by the name of the field in the DataTypeDefinition.
To allow for compact XML, any field can be omitted from the XML so decoders shall assign DefaultValues based on the field type for any mandatory fields.
The xs:name attribute restricts the set of characters that are permitted. See 5.3.5 for instructions on how to handle invalid characters.
For example, the following Structure has one mandatory and two optional fields. The XML schema would look like:
<xs:complexType name="OptionalType">
<xs:element name="EncodingMask" type="xs:unsignedLong" />
<xs:element name="X" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="O1" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Y" type="xs:byte" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="O2" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />
In the example above, the EncodingMask has a value of 3 if both O1 and O2 are encoded. Encoders shall set unused bits to 0 and decoders shall ignore unused bits.
If a Structure with optional fields is subtyped, the subtypes extend the EncodingMask defined for the parent.
Unions are encoded as an xs:complexType containing an xs:sequence with two entries.
The first entry in the sequence is the SwitchField xs:element and specifies a numeric value which identifies which element in the xs:choice is encoded. The name of the element may be any valid text.
The second entry in the sequence is an xs:choice which specifies the possible fields as xs:elements. The order in the xs:choice determines the value of the SwitchField when that choice is encoded. The first element has a SwitchField value of 1 and the last value has a SwitchField equal to the number of choices. The name of each xs:choice is the name of the field in the DataTypeDefinition.
No additional elements in the sequence are permitted. If the SwitchField is missing or 0 then the union has a NULL value. Encoders or decoders shall report an error for any SwitchField value greater than the number of defined union fields.
The name attribute restricts the set of characters that are permitted. See 5.3.5 for instructions on how to handle invalid characters.
For example, the following union has two fields. The XML schema would look like:
<xs:complexType name="Type1">
<xs:element name="SwitchField"
type="xs:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Field1" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Field2" type="tns:Field2" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:choice>
Messages are encoded as an xs: complexType. The parameters in each Message are serialized in the same way the fields of a Structure are serialized.