Errata exists for this version of the document.
For the purposes of this document the terms and definitions given in OPC 10000-1, OPC 10000-2 and OPC 10000-3 as well as the following apply.
a short identifer used to uniquely identify an X.509v3 Certificate.
Note 1 to entry: This is the SHA1 hash of DER encoded form of the Certificate.
a way to serialize OPC UA Messages and data structures.
a suite a tools and/or programming languages used to create software.
specifies how to implement an OPC UA feature with a specific technology.
Note 1 to entry: For example, the OPC UA Binary Encoding is a Mapping that specifies how to serialize OPC UA data structures as sequences of bytes.
ensures the integrity and privacy of UA Messages that are exchanged between OPC UA applications
a combination of DataEncodings, SecurityProtocol and TransportProtocol Mappings
Note 1 to entry: OPC UA applications implement one or more StackProfiles and can only communicate with OPC UA applications that support a StackProfile that they support.
a full-duplex communication link established between OPC UA applications.
Note 1 to entry: A TCP/IP socket is an example of a TransportConnection.
a way to exchange serialized OPC UA Messages between OPC UA applications
APIApplication Programming Interface
ASN.1Abstract Syntax Notation #1 (used in X690)
CSVComma Separated Value (File Format)
ECCElliptic Curve Cryptography
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPSSecure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IPSecInternet Protocol Security
OIDObject Identifier (used with ASN.1)
RSARivest, Shamir and Adleman [Public Key Encryption System]
SHA1Secure Hash Algorithm
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SSLSecure Sockets Layer (Defined in SSL/TLS)
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TLSTransport Layer Security (Defined in SSL/TLS)
UAUnified Architecture
UACPOPC UA Connection Protocol
UASCOPC UA Secure Conversation
WS-*XML Web Services Specifications
XMLExtensible Markup Language