The EccEncryptedSecret uses ECC based Asymmetric Cryptography.
Additional semantics for the fields in the EncryptedSecret layout for the EccEncryptedSecret Structure are described in Table 190.
The EccEncryptedSecret uses ECC EphemeralKeys to create the symmetric key used to encrypt the Secret. The handshake required to create and use the EphemeralKeys is described in OPC 10000-6.
Table 190 – EccEncryptedSecret Layout
Name |
Type |
Description |
TypeId |
NodeId |
The NodeId of the EccEncryptedSecret DataType Node. |
EncodingMask |
Byte |
See Table 187 |
Length |
UInt32 |
See Table 187 |
SecurityPolicyUri |
String |
See Table 187 |
Certificate |
ByteString |
The signing Certificate encoded in DER form. The value shall include the entire chain. This value may be null or empty if the SigningCertificate is known to the receiver. This is true if the structure is used to provide a UserIdentityToken to a Server over a SecureChannel and the SigningCertificate is the Client ApplicationInstance Certificate. |
SigningTime |
DateTime |
See Table 187 |
KeyDataLength |
UInt16 |
The length of the KeyData without encryption. |
KeyData |
The KeyData is not encrypted. |
SenderPublicKey |
ByteString |
The Public Key for the EphemeralKey created by the sender. |
ReceiverPublicKey |
ByteString |
The Public Key for the EphemeralKey created by the receiver. |
Nonce |
ByteString |
A Nonce. This is the last ServerNonce returned in the CreateSession or ActivateSession Response when proving a UserIdentityToken passed in the ActivateSession Request. In other contexts, this is a Nonce created by the sender with a length between 32 and 128 bytes inclusive. |
Secret |
ByteString |
See Table 187 |
PayloadPadding |
Byte [*] |
See Table 187 |
PayloadPaddingSize |
UInt16 |
See Table 187 |
Signature |
Byte [*] |
When using AuthenticatedEncryption the Signature has two parts: the Signature produced when the secret is encrypted using the SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm and the Signature calculated using the Certificate and the AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm. Both Signatures are calculated from the start of the packet. The AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm Signature includes the SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm Signature. When using UnauthenticatedEncryption the Signature is only calculated using the Certificate and the AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm. |