This ReferenceType can be used to expose the relation between a software component and its execution environment. For example, it can be used to expose which firmware (including its version) is available on a field device.
The IsExecutableOn is a concrete ReferenceType and can be used directly. It is a subtype of NonHierarchicalReferences.
The semantic of this ReferenceType is to relate a software component to its execution environment that the software needs to run (e.g. Hardware component, Task or Thread). The relationship shows that the execution environment the reference points to, is able to execute the software component. This does not imply that the software component is currently being executed or running. To show that the software is running in an environment, IsExecutingOn should be used.
The SourceNode of References of this ReferenceType shall be an Object or ObjectType representing a software component.
The TargetNode of References of this ReferenceType shall be an Object or ObjectType representing an execution environment for a software component, which might be a piece of hardware (e.g. Device) or some other environment like a task, thread or software execution framework.
IsExecutableOn is formally defined in Table 1.
Table 1 – IsExecutableOn Definition
Attributes |
Value |
BrowseName |
IsExecutableOn |
InverseName |
CanExecute |
Symmetric |
IsAbstract |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
Comment |
Subtype of NonHierarchicalReferences defined in OPC 10000-5 |
Conformance Units |
Base Info IsExecutableOn |