Overview and location of the instance entry points are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 – Instance Entry Points for Network Interfaces, Streams, Mapping Tables and LLDP information
The Resources Object shall be used as the browse entry point for physical and logical resources of the device the Server is running on. It shall reside in the Server Object defined in OPC 10000-5. It can contain a set of Organizes References that point to other Objects representing specific resources. It is formally defined in Table 50.
Table 50 – Resources definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
Resources |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
Comment |
ComponentOf of the Server Object defined in Part 5. |
HasTypeDefinition |
ObjectType |
FolderType |
Organizes |
Object |
Communication |
Defined in 5.4.2 |
Conformance Units |
BNM Entry Points |
The Communication Object shall be used as the browse entry point for communication related resources of the physical device the Server is running on. It is formally defined in Table 51.
The Communication Object is referenced by an Organizes Reference from the Resources Object defined in 5.4.1.
The Communication Object can include the following subfolders:
- MappingTables
- NetworkInterfaces
- Streams
Additionally, the Communication Object may include the LLDP instance.
It is recommended to keep TSN-Streams and possible future (DetNet-)Flows separated in specific folders.
Table 51 – Communication definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
Communication |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
Comment |
HasTypeDefinition |
ObjectType |
FolderType |
Organizes |
Object |
MappingTables |
Defined in 5.4.3 |
Organizes |
Object |
NetworkInterfaces |
Defined in 5.4.4 |
Organizes |
Object |
Streams |
Defined in 5.4.5 |
Organizes |
Object |
Defined in 5.4.8 |
Conformance Units |
BNM Entry Points |
The MappingTables Object shall be used as the browse entry point for mapping tables of priority values and their application labels. It is formally defined in Table 52 – MappingTables definition. All instances of the PriorityMappingTableType shall be referenced from this Object, either directly or indirectly, following hierarchical References.
Table 52 – MappingTables definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
MappingTables |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
Comment |
HasTypeDefinition |
ObjectType |
FolderType |
Conformance Units |
BNM Mapping Entry Points |
The NetworkInterfaces Object shall be used as the browse entry point for network interfaces of the device the Server is running on. It is formally defined in Table 53.
Table 53 – NetworkInterfaces definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
NetworkInterfaces |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
Comment |
HasTypeDefinition |
ObjectType |
FolderType |
Conformance Units |
BNM Entry Points |
The NetworkInterfaces folder is intended to hold instances, which are of IetfBaseNetworkInterfaceType or a subtype of it. However other Objects can be stored within this folder that implement the UA Interface IIetfBaseNetworkInterfaceType.
All Objects of Type IetfBaseNetworkInterfaceType within the NetworkInterfaces folder shall represent either a physical or virtual network interface.
The Streams Object shall be used as the browse entry point for network streams of the device the Server is running on. It is formally defined in Table 54.
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
Streams |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
Comment |
HasTypeDefinition |
ObjectType |
FolderType |
Organizes |
Object |
TalkerStreams |
Defined in 5.4.6 |
Organizes |
Object |
ListenerStreams |
Defined in 5.4.7 |
Conformance Units |
BNM TSN Entry Points |
The TalkerStreams Object shall be used as the browse entry point for sending network streams of the device the Server is running on. It is formally defined in Table 55.
Table 55 – TalkerStreams definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
TalkerStreams |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
Comment |
HasTypeDefinition |
ObjectType |
FolderType |
Conformance Units |
BNM TSN Entry Points |
The ListenerStreams Object shall be used as the browse entry point for receiving network streams of the device the Server is running on. It is formally defined in Table 56.
Table 56 – ListenerStreams definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
ListenerStreams |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
Comment |
HasTypeDefinition |
ObjectType |
FolderType |
Conformance Units |
BNM TSN Entry Points |
The LLDP Information Object shall be used as the single browse entry point for all LLDP information represented in the Server running on the device. It is formally defined in Table 57.
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
Comment |
HasTypeDefinition |
ObjectType |
LldpInformationType |
Conformance Units |
The LLDP Object is an instance of Type LldpInformationType and represents the same structure as the YANG container lldp defined in the IEEE 802.1ABcu-2021. This object shall be read-only. The content is filled by the LLDP agent, based on the current configuration and operation. This LLDP agent behaves according to IEEE 802.1AB-2016 and is configured via mechanisms defined in IEEE 802.1AB-2016.
Note: The behaviour of an LLDP agent can be further specified and limited by profiles (either IEEE or OPC). This specification only represents data received and transmitted by this agent and is independent of the agent configuration.
Annex A.4 shows an example for the topology discovery using the information models of two neighbour OPC UA Servers.