The OPC UA Security Services are a group of abstract service definitions specified in OPC 10000-4 that are used for applying various security mechanisms to communication between OPC UA Clients and Servers. OPC 10000-4 provides an overview of security in the “Service Behaviours” section that includes required behaviours to ensure secure communication.
The Discovery Service Set (specified in OPC 10000-4) defines services used by an OPC UA Client to obtain information about the security policies (see 4.6) and the Certificates of specific OPC UA Servers.
The services of the SecureChannel Service Set (specified in OPC 10000-4) are used to establish a SecureChannel which is responsible for securing Messages sent between a Client and a Server. The challenge of the SecureChannel establishment is that it requires the Client and the Server to securely exchange cryptographic keys and secret information in an insecure environment, therefore a specific Key Exchange Algorithm (similar to TLS Handshake protocol defined in
TLS) is applied by the communication participants.
Once established, a SecureChannel uses Symmetric Cryptography keys to encrypt and sign all Messages. Symmetric Cryptography requires a shared key. Asymmetric Cryptography is used to create this shared key.
The OPC UA Client retrieves the security policies and Certificates of the OPC UA Server by the previously mentioned discovery services. These Certificates contain the Public Keys of the OPC UA Server.
For RSA the following procedure is used:
- The OPC UA Client sends its Public Key in a Certificate and secret information with the OpenSecureChannel service Message to the Server. This Message is secured by applying Asymmetric Encryption with the Server’s Public Key and by generating Asymmetric Signatures with the Client’s Private Key. However, the Certificate is sent unencrypted so that the receiver can use it to verify the Asymmetric Signature.
- The Server decrypts the Message with its Private Key and verifies the Asymmetric Signature with the Client’s Public Key. The secret information of the OPC UA Client together with the secret information of the OPC UA Server is used to derive a set of cryptographic keys that are used for securing all further Messages. Furthermore, all other service Messages are secured with Symmetric Encryption and Symmetric Signatures instead of the asymmetric equivalents.
- The Server sends its secret information in the service response to the Client so that the Client can derive the same set of SymmetricKeys.
For ECC the following procedure is used:
- The OPC UA Client generates a new temporary key pair and sends the Public Key to the Server.
- The Server verifies the signature on the request, then generates a new temporary key pair and sends the Public Key to the Client.
- Once the Public Keys are exchanged, both the Server and Client derive the SymmetricKeys needed for the secure conversation.
Since Clients and Servers have the same set of cryptographic keys they can communicate securely with each other. The SymmetricKeys used in communication can be deciphered if enough messages using the SymmetricKeys are collected and analysed. These derived cryptographic keys are required to be changed periodically so that attackers do not have unlimited time and unrestricted sequences of Messages to use to determine what the SymmetricKeys are. The time period between changes depends on the number of messages sent using the key. Typically for Client Server communication this would be at least every two hours.
For PubSub communications, the security related definitions are specified in OPC 10000-14 and provide a description of how to secure messages and also how to obtain the security keys required for message security.
The Publisher will utilize the keys provided to secure the message. It will encrypt the body of the message and sign the entire message. Subscribers will utilize the keys to decrypt and verify the signature of the messages. These keys are also SymmetricKeys and follow the same rules with regard to periodically changing them. Since PubSub communication is usually at a higher rate, the time period for between key changes would typically be one hour. But in some case it could be even more often depending on the number of messages secured with the key.
To obtain the required keys, the Publisher or Subscriber make use of Client – Server communication. The keys could also be obtained using session-less method calls.