The encoding of the UADP NetworkMessage is specified in Table 137.

The NetworkMessageContentMask setting of the Publisher controls the flags in the fields UADPFlags and ExtendedFlags1. The SecurityMode setting of the Publisher controls the security enabled flag of the ExtendedFlags1. The setting of the flags shall not change until the configuration of the Publisher is changed.

Table 137 – UADP NetworkMessage






Bit range 0-3: Version of the UADP NetworkMessage.

The UADPVersion for this specification version is 1.



Bit 4: PublisherId enabled

If the PublisherId is enabled, the type of PublisherId is indicated in the ExtendedFlags1 field.If the PublisherId is enabled is false, the ExtendedFlags1 PublisherId Type flags shall be false.

Bit 5: GroupHeader enabled

Bit 6: PayloadHeader enabled

Bit 7: ExtendedFlags1 enabledThe bit shall be false, if ExtendedFlags1 is 0.



The ExtendedFlags1 shall be omitted if bit 7 of the UADPFlags is false.

If the field is omitted, the Subscriber shall handle the related bits as false.

Bit range 0-2: PublisherId Type

000 The PublisherId is of DataType Byte This is the default value if ExtendedFlags1 is omitted

001 The PublisherId is of DataType UInt16

010 The PublisherId is of DataType UInt32

011 The PublisherId is of DataType UInt64

100 The PublisherId is of DataType String

101 Reserved

11x ReservedReserved values shall not be used by the sender and the receiver shall skip messages when reserved values are received.

The PublisherId Type shall be ignored if bit 4 of the UADPFlags is false.

Bit 3: DataSetClassId enabled

Bit 4: SecurityHeader enabled

If this flag is enabled, the NetworkMessage header includes the SecurityHeader, otherwise the SecurityHeader is omitted.

If the SecurityMode in the configuration is SIGN or SIGNANDENCRYPT, this flag shall be set.

Bit 5: Timestamp enabled

Bit 6: PicoSeconds enabled

This bit shall be false if the Timestamp bit is false.

Bit 7: ExtendedFlags2 enabled

The bit shall be false, if ExtendedFlags2 is 0.



The ExtendedFlags2 shall be omitted if bit 7 of the ExtendedFlags1 is false.

If the field is omitted, the Subscriber shall handle the related bits as false.

Bit 0: Chunk message defined in in

Bit 1: PromotedFields enabled

If Promoted fields are enabled, the number of DataSetMessages in the Network Message shall be one.

Bit range 2-4: UADP NetworkMessage type

000 NetworkMessage with DataSetMessage payload defined in If the ExtendedFlags2 field is not provided, this is the default NetworkMessage type.

001 NetworkMessage with discovery probe defined in

010 NetworkMessage with discovery announcement payload defined in

011 Reserved


Reserved values shall not be used by the sender and the receiver shall skip messages when reserved values are received.

Bit 5: Reserved

Bit 6: Reserved

Bit 7: Reserved for further extended flag fields

Reserved bits shall be set to false by the sender and the receiver shall skip messages where the reserved bits are not false.



The PublisherId shall be omitted if bit 4 of the UADPFlags is false.

The Id of the Publisher that sent the data. Valid DataTypes are UInteger and String.

The DataType is indicated by bits 0-2 of the ExtendedFlags1.

A Subscriber can skip NetworkMessages from Publishers it does not expect NetworkMessages from.

PublisherIds are only equal if they have the same DataTypes and equal values.



The DataSetClassId associated with the DataSets in the NetworkMessage.

All DataSetMessages in the NetworkMessage shall have the same DataSetClassId.

The DataSetClassId shall be omitted if bit 3 of the ExtendedFlags1 is false.


The group header shall be omitted if bit 5 of the UADPFlags is false.



Bit 0: WriterGroupId enabled

Bit 1: GroupVersion enabled

Bit 2: NetworkMessageNumber enabled

Bit 3: SequenceNumber enabled

Bits 4-6: Reserved

Bit 7: Reserved for further extended flag fields

Reserved bits shall be set to false by the sender and the receiver shall skip messages where the reserved bits are not false.



Unique id for the WriterGroup in the Publisher.

A Subscriber can skip NetworkMessages from WriterGroups it does not expect NetworkMessages from.

This field shall be omitted if bit 0 of the GroupFlags is false.



Version of the header and payload layout configuration of the NetworkMessages sent for the group.

This field shall be omitted if bit 1 of the GroupFlags is false.

NetworkMessage Number


Unique number of a NetworkMessage across the combination of PublisherId and WriterGroupId within one PublishingInterval.

The number is needed if the DataSetMessages for one group are split into more than one NetworkMessage in a PublishingInterval.

The value 0 is invalid.

This field shall be omitted if bit 2 of the GroupFlags is false.



Sequence number for each new NetworkMessage as defined in 7.2.3.

This field shall be omitted if bit 3 of the GroupFlags is false.


Byte [*]

The payload header depends on the UADP NetworkMessage type flags defined in the ExtendedFlags2 bit range 2-4. The default is DataSetMessage if the ExtendedFlags2 field is not enabled.

The PayloadHeader shall be omitted if bit 6 of the UADPFlags is false.

The PayloadHeader is not contained in the payload but it is contained in the unencrypted NetworkMessage header since it contains information necessary to filter DataSetMessages on the Subscriber side.

If the payload header is not present for DataSetMessages, the Subscriber must know the number and size of DataSetMessages from the DataSetReader configuration. The group header is the default option to provide a reference to this information in the NetworkMessage. In this case the number and size of the DataSetMessages is known from the DataSetReader configuration for the combination of WriterGroupId and NetworkMessageNumber.



The time the NetworkMessage was created.

The Timestamp shall be omitted if bit 5 of ExtendedFlags1 is false.

The PublishingInterval, the SamplingOffset the PublishingOffset and the Timestamp and PicoSeconds in the NetworkMessage header shall use the same time base.



Specifies the number of 10 picosecond (1,0 e-11 seconds) intervals which shall be added to the Timestamp.

The PicoSeconds field stores the difference between a high-resolution timestamp with a resolution of 10 picoseconds and the Timestamp field value which only has a 100 ns resolution. The PicoSeconds field shall contain values less than 10 000. The decoder shall treat values greater than or equal to 10 000 as the value ‘9999’.

The PicoSeconds shall be omitted if bit 6 of ExtendedFlags1 is false.


The PromotedFields shall be omitted if bit 1 of the ExtendedFlags2 is false.

If the PromotedFields are provided, the number of DataSetMessages in the Network Message shall be one.



Total size in Bytes of the Fields contained in the PromotedFields.


BaseDataType[ ]

Array of promoted fields. The size, order and DataTypes of the fields depend on the settings in the FieldMetaData of the DataSetMetaData associated with the DataSetMessage contained in the NetworkMessage.


The security header shall be omitted if bit 4 of the ExtendedFlags1 is false.



Bit 0: NetworkMessage Signed

Bit 1: NetworkMessage EncryptedThe configuration options for MessageSecurityMode are NONE, SIGN and SIGNANDENCRYPT. Therefore bit 0 shall be true if bit 1 is true.

Bit 2: SecurityFooter enabled

Bit 3: Force key reset

This bit is set if all keys will be made invalid. It is set until the new key is used. The Publisher needs to give Subscribers a reasonable time to request new keys. The minimum time is five times the KeepAliveTime configured for the corresponding PubSub group.

This flag is typically set if all keys are invalidated to exclude Subscribers, who no longer have access to the keys.

Bit range 4-7: Reserved

Reserved bits shall be set to false by the the sender and the receiver shall skip messages where the reserved bits are not false.



The ID of the security token that identifies the security key in a SecurityGroup. The relation to the SecurityGroup is done through DataSetWriterIds contained in the NetworkMessage.

If bit 1 and 2 of the SecurityFlags are 0, the SecurityTokenId shall be 0.



The length of the Nonce used to initialize the encryption algorithm.

If bit 1 and 2 of the SecurityFlags are 0, the NonceLength shall be 0.


Byte [NonceLength]

A number used exactly once for a given security key. For a given security key a unique nonce shall be generated for every NetworkMessage. The rules for constructing the MessageNonce are defined for the UADP Message Security in



The size of the SecurityFooter.

The security footer size shall be omitted if bit 2 of the SecurityFlags is false.


Byte [*]

The payload depends on the UADP NetworkMessage Type flags defined in the ExtendedFlags2 bit range 2-4 and on the Chunk flag defined in the. ExtendedFlags2 bit 0.


Byte [*]

Optional security footer shall be omitted if bit 2 of the SecurityFlags is false.

The content of the security footer is defined by the SecurityPolicy.


Byte [*]

The signature of the NetworkMessage.