The MessageRepeatCount with DataType Byte defines how many times every NetworkMessage is repeated. The default value is 0 and disables the repeating.
The MessageRepeatDelay with DataType Duration defines the time between NetworkMessage repeats in milliseconds. The parameter shall be ignored if the parameter MessageRepeatCount is set to 0.
This Structure DataType is used to represent the datagram specific transport mapping parameters for WriterGroups. It is a subtype of the WriterGroupTransportDataType defined in
The DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType is formally defined in Table 132.
Table 132 – DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType structure
Name |
Type |
Description |
DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType |
Structure |
Subtype of WriterGroupTransportDataType defined in |
MessageRepeatCount |
Byte |
Defined in |
MessageRepeatDelay |
Duration |
Defined in |
Its representation in the AddressSpace is defined in Table 133.
Table 133 – DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType definition
Attributes |
Value |
BrowseName |
DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType |
IsAbstract |
False |
Subtype of WriterGroupTransportDataType defined in |
Conformance Units |
PubSub Parameters Datagram |
The Address parameter contains the network address information for the communication middleware related to the WriterGroup. The different Structure DataTypes used to represent the Address are defined in
The parameter shall be null if an address is not set at this level. If the parameter is set, it overwrites the Address on the PubSubConnection.
Selects the general category of QoS the WriterGroup requires. Further details are defined in
The parameter shall be null or empty if no QoS related parameters are set.
The DatagramQos parameter contains QoS related parameters for the WriterGroup as array of TransmitQosDataType Structures. The abstract TransmitQosDataType is defined in The concrete subtypes are used to represent different QoS settings that can be combined in the array.
The parameter shall be null or empty if no QoS related parameters are set.
The DiscoveryAnnounceRate with DataType UInt32 defines the interval in seconds used for cyclic sending of discovery announcement messages related to the WriterGroup.
The default value is 0 and defines that discovery announcement messages are only sent as response to discovery probe messages.
The Topic parameter with DataType String contains the unique name of the data stream produced by the WriterGroup within a Message Oriented Middleware.
A unique default name can be created by combining the PublisherId with the WriterGroupId using ‘.’ As separator.
This Structure DataType is used to represent the datagram specific transport mapping parameters for WriterGroups. It is a subtype of the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType defined in
The DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType is formally defined in Table 134.
Table 134 – DatagramWriterGroupTransport2DataType structure
Name |
Type |
Description |
Allow Subtypes |
DatagramWriterGroupTransport2DataType |
Structure |
Subtype of DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType defined in |
Address |
NetworkAddressDataType |
Defined in |
True |
QosCategory |
String |
Defined in |
DatagramQos |
TransmitQosDataType[] |
Defined in |
True |
DiscoveryAnnounceRate |
UInt32 |
Defined in |
Topic |
String |
Defined in |
Its representation in the AddressSpace is defined in Table 135.
Table 135 – DatagramWriterGroupTransport2DataType definition
Attributes |
Value |
BrowseName |
DatagramWriterGroupTransport2DataType |
IsAbstract |
False |
Subtype of DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType defined in |
Conformance Units |
PubSub Parameters Datagram |