Four standard Program Methods are specified for running the DomainDownload Program, Start, Suspend, Resume, and Halt. No additional Methods are specified. The base behaviours of these Methods are defined by the ProgramStateMachineType. The Start Method initiates the download activity and passes the source and destination locations for the transfer. The Suspend Method is used to pause the activity temporarily. The Resume Method reinitiates the download, when paused. The Halt Method aborts the download. Each of the Methods causes a Program state transition and a substate transition. The specific state transition depends on the current state at the time the Method is called. If a Method Call is made when the DomainDownload is in a state for which that Method has no associated transition, the Method returns an error status indicating invalid state for the Method.

The Start Method specifies three input arguments to be passed when it is called: Domain Name, DomainSource, and DomainDestination. The other Methods require no input arguments. No output arguments are specified for the DomainDownload Methods. The resultant error status for the Program is part of the Call Service.