Basic policy to apply information described in the COMM_IF section and BLOCK section for creating CSP+ machine ObjectType is as follows.
- CSPP elements specified in the COMM_IF_VARIABLE part and COMM_IF_CONFIGURATION part are mapped to each DataVariable referred to from ParameterSet Object of CSP+ machine ObjectType by using HasComponent Reference.
- The DataVariables above are grouped both per CSPP section and per CSPP part. FunctionalGroupType Objects are created only for the number of CSPP sections and CSPP parts for grouping purpose, the Objects corresponding to the CSPP sections are referred to from the CSP+ machine ObjectType by using HasComponent Reference, and the Objects corresponding to the CSPP parts are referred to from the Objects corresponding to the sections using the HasComponent Reference.
- Attribute and Property information held by the DataVariables (e.g. engineering unit, minimum collection cycle) are configured based on the CSPP elements in the BLOCK_MEMORY part and BLOCK_PARAM part referred to from the element corresponding to the DataVariables, and CSPP element or CSPP part to which the CSPP element belongs.
The image of the basic policy is shown in Figure 71.
Figure 71 – Image of Relationship between COMM_IF Section, BLOCK Section, and CSP+ Machine ObjectType