This OPC UA Property, of DataType BACnetTime, represents the BACnet property Local_Date. The BACnetTime DataType is defined in 10.5.32.

The Local_Date shall indicate the current date. When unable to track the date, the value of the variable shall be initialized to a date on or before January 1, 1990.

This OPC UA Property, of DataType BACnetDate, represents the BACnet property Local_Time. The BACnetDate DataType is defined in 10.5.6.

The Local_Time shall indicate the current local time. When unable to track the time, the value of the variable shall be initialized to the time 00:00:00.00.

This OPC UA Property, of DataType Int16, represents the BACnet property UTC_Offset.

The UTC_Offset shall indicate the number of minutes (-780 to 780) offset between local standard time and Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). The time zones to the west of the zero degree meridian shall be positive, and the time zones to the east of the zero degree meridian shall be negative.

This OPC UA Property, of DataType Boolean, represents the BACnet property Daylight_Savings_Status.

When the Daylight_Savings_Status variable value is true, daylight savings time is in effect at the BACnet device’s location.

This Method is used to update the time of a BACnet device. See B.3 for more details.


TimeSynchronization (






The UTC time used to update the time of the BACnet device.

Method Result Codes



Common StatusCodes defined in OPC 10000-4