The Diagnostics FunctionalGroup and its component, the LastAccess FunctionalGroup, are described in clause

Predefined parameters that are specific for the LastAccess FunctionalGroup in the RfidReaderDeviceType are defined in Table 15 and described in the following list:

  • Parameter RWData specifies the user data which was written to / was read from the Rfid Transponder by the command. The DataType can be one of the DataTypes defined in the ScanData Union defined in 9.4.2. Due to the use case for limited OPC UA Clients, the DataType is normally String or ByteString.
  • Parameter Antenna specifies the antenna with which the transponder was accessed by the command.
  • Parameter CurrentPowerLevel specifies the power level with which the transponder was accessed by the command.
  • Parameter PC specifies the Protocol Control Word of the transponder accessed by the command.
  • Parameter Polarization specifies the Polarization with which the transponder was accessed by the command.
  • Parameter Strength specifies the Rssi value with which the transponder was accessed by the command.