Table 54 defines the corresponding ConformanceUnits for the OPC UA Information Model for Asset Management Basics.

Table 54 – Conformance Units for Asset Management Basics





AMB Asset Identification

All manageable assets provided by the server have the “ProductInstanceUri” and optionally additional identification Properties.

The Properties are either directly on the Object representing the asset or on the Identification Object grouping the Properties.


AMB Configurable Asset Identification

All manageable assets provided by the server have the “AssetId” and optionally additional configurable identification Properties as writable Properties that store the configuration persistently, providing the written values also after a restart of the server.

Servers shall support at least 40 Unicode characters for the clients writing this value. This means clients can expect to be able to write strings with a length of 40 Unicode characters into that field.

The Properties are either directly on the Object representing the asset or on the Identification Object grouping the Properties.


AMB Client Asset Identification

The client can make use of asset identification information and is capable to receive that information independent if it is provided per TypeDefinition, Interface or just as Properties on the instance or under the Identification Object and is able to deal with default values of the Properties.


AMB Asset Discovery by ProductInstanceUri

All manageable assets are provided as AliasNames under to AssetsByProductInstanceUri using the ProductInstanceUri as AliasName. The AssetsByProductInstanceUri Object supports NodeVersion and ModelChangeEvents.


AMB Asset Discovery by AssetId

All manageable assets supporting the AssetId Property are provided as AliasNames under to AssetsByAssetId using the AssetId as AliasName. The AssetsByProductInstanceUri Object supports NodeVersion and ModelChangeEvents.


AMB Client Asset Discovery by ProductInstanceUri

The client can make use of the AssetsByProductInstanceUri discovery mechanism to discover the assets managed by the server or other, referenced servers. Whether the client uses the FindAlias method or browses the AliasNames is client-specific. The client is capable to manage Off-Server references in this discovery mechanism.


AMB Client Asset Discovery by AssetId

The client can make use of the AssetsByAssetId discovery mechanism to discover the assets managed by the server or other, referenced servers. Whether the client uses the FindAlias method or browses the AliasNames is client-specific. The client is capable to manage Off-Server references in this discovery mechanism.


AMB Asset Health Status Base

All manageable assets provided by the sever have the “DeviceHealth” variable.


AMB Asset Health Status Alarms

All manageable assets provided by the server provide alarms with details of their fault indications.

Optionally, the alarms are provided as Objects in the DeviceHealthAlarms folder.


AMB Asset Health Status Root Causes

All manageable assets provided by the server provide alarms with details of their fault indications. All those alarms implement the “IRootCauseIndicationType”.


AMB Asset Health Status Alarm Categories

All manageable assets provided by the server provide alarms with a reasonable ConditionClassId.


AMB Asset Health Tracking Overall Asset Status

All manageable assets provided by the sever having the “DeviceHealth” variable have the Historizing attribute of that variable set to true and the AccessLevel set to HistoricalRead.


AMB Asset Health Tracking Events

The server supports access of the history of all alarms representing the details of fault indications of its assets.


AMB Client Asset Health Status

The client can make use of the “DeviceHealth” variable and the alarms providing details on the fault indication.


AMB Client Asset Health Tracking Status

The client can make use of the history of the “DeviceHealth” variable and the history of the alarms providing details on the fault indication.


AMB Version Information

All manageable assets provided by the server have, depending on their nature, the Software- and or HardwareRevision Property and the RevisionCounter Property.


AMB Operation Counters

At least one manageable asset provided by the server provides the OperationCounters Object and at least one operation counter.


AMB DocumentationLinks Base

At least one manageable asset provided by the server provides the DocumentationLinks AddIn and have at least one link.


AMB DocumentationLinks Edit Base

All manageable assets provided by the server provide the DocumentationLinks AddIn and have at least one link that can be edited by the user to provide user-specific links. The Browse- and DisplayName and the Description might be editable. The server supports links of a length of at least 255 chars.


AMB DocumentationLinks Edit Advanced

All manageable assets provided by the server provide the DocumentationLinks AddIn and support the AddLink and RemoveLink methods. The server is capable to manage at least two links added via the AddLink method. The server supports links of a length of at least 255 chars.


AMB Requirements

At least one manageable asset provided by the server provides the Requirements Object and at least one requirement.


AMB Capabilities

At least one manageable asset provided by the server provides the Capabilities Object and at least one capability.


AMB Classification

At least one manageable asset provides at least one HasDictionaryEntry reference to classify the asset.


AMB Current and Future Maintenance Activities

All manageable assets provided by the server provide conditions with details of current or upcoming maintenance activities.

Optionally, the conditions are provided as Objects in the DeviceHealthAlarms folder.

The ConditionTypes used as maintenance activities implement the IMaintenanceEventType.


AMB Past Maintenance Activities

The server provides capability to read the history of events and for all manageable assets provided by the server the history of all maintenance activities is provided.

The ConditionTypes used as maintenance activities implement the IMaintenanceEventType.


AMB Client Current and Future Maintenance Activities

The client can make use of the conditions provided as maintenance activities providing details on current and planned maintenance activities.


AMB Client Past Maintenance Activities

The client can make use of the history of the conditions provided as maintenance activities providing details on the past maintenance activities.


AMB Local Time

At least one manageable asset provided by the server provides the LocalTime Property.


AMB Hierarchical Location Property

At least one manageable asset provided by the server provides the Location Property.


AMB Hierarchical Location Objects

The HierarchicalLocations Object is provided with at least one location hierarchy and at least one manageable asset is referenced from that hierarchy with the HierarchicalContains Reference or a subtype.


AMB Operational Location Property

At least one manageable asset provided by the server provides the OperationalLocation Property.


AMB Operational Location Objects

The OperationalLocations Object is provided with at least one operational location and at least one manageable asset is referenced from that location with the OperationalContains Reference or a subtype.


AMB Digital Location

At least one manageable asset provided by the server provides the DigitalLocation Property.


AMB Sub-assets

At least one manageable asset provided by the server exposes at least one sub-asset as manageable asset. The sub-assets may be managed in another server.


AMB Client sub-assets

The client can make use of the sub-asset hierarchy provided by the server and is capably to identify all sub-assets of an asset managed in the same server.


AMB Client sub-assets remote

The client can make use of the sub-asset hierarchy provided by the server and is capably to identify all sub-assets of an asset managed in multiple servers.


AMB Asset relations

At least one manageable asset provided by the server exposes a relation to another manageable asset other than containment (sub-asset). The referenced asset may be managed in another server.