Errata exists for this version of the document.
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in OPC 10000-1, OPC 10000-2, and OPC 10000-3, as well as the following apply.
Server which is currently sourcing information
Note 1 to entry: In OPC UA redundant systems, an active Server is the Server that a Client is using as the source of data.
permitted range for value changes that will not trigger a data change Notification
Note 1 to entry: Deadband can be applied as a filter when subscribing to Variables and is used to keep noisy signals from updating the Client unnecessarily. This standard defines AbsoluteDeadband as a common filter. OPC 10000-8 defines an additional Deadband filter.
Endpoint that allows Clients access to Discovery Services without security
Note 1 to entry: A DiscoveryEndpoint allows access to Discovery Services without a Session and without message security.
physical address available on a network that allows Clients to access one or more Services provided by a Server
Note 1 to entry: Each Server may have multiple Endpoints. The address of an Endpoint must include a HostName.
Server that is not operational.
Note 1 to entry: In OPC UA redundant system, a failed Server is a Server that is unavailable or is not able to serve data.
act of switching the source or target of information.
Note 1 to entry: In OPC UA redundant systems, a failover is the act of a Client switching away from a failed or degraded Server to another Server in the redundant set (Server failover). In some cases a Client may have no knowledge of a failover action occurring (transparent redundancy). The act of an alternate Client replacing an existing failed or degraded Client connection to a Server (Client failover).
Server that acts as an intermediary for one or more Servers
Note 1 to entry: Gateway Servers may be deployed to limit external access, provide protocol conversion or to provide features that the underlying Servers do not support.
unique identifier for a machine on a network
Note 1 to entry: This identifier shall be unique within a local network; however, it may also be globally unique. The identifier can be an IP address.
identifier for a cryptographic key set
Note 1 to entry: All Security Tokens belong to a security context. For OPC UA the security context is the SecureChannel.
digital certificate for a software product that can be installed on several hosts to describe the capabilities of the software product
Note 1 to entry: Different installations of one software product could have the same software certificate. Software certificates are not relevant for security. They are used to identify a software product and its supported features. SoftwareCertificates are described in 6.4.
the presence of duplicate components enabling the continued operation after a failure of an OPC UA component
Note 1 This may apply to Servers, Clients or networks.
two or more Servers that are redundant with each other
Note 1 A redundant server set is a group of Servers that are configured to provide Redundancy. These Servers have requirements related to the address space and provide failovers.