



NodeId ns=1;i=7042
NodeClass Method
BrowseName 1:LoadDataSet
DisplayName LoadDataSet
Description The Method LoadDataSet loads the whole dataset to the underlying system after having validated that (a) the dataset is complete and (b) the dataset is validated. If the validation is not successfully passed, then the data set is not loaded to the underlying system and a specific message shall be returned via ExecutionFeedback. For detailed diagnostics, the Method ValidateDataSet shall be used. The Method LoadDataSet loads the whole dataset to the underlying system after having validated that (a) the dataset is complete and (b) the dataset is validated. If the validation is not successfully passed, then the data set is not loaded to the underlying system and a specific message shall be returned via ExecutionFeedback. For detailed diagnostics, the Method ValidateDataSet shall be used.
Parent 1:MachineModuleSetupType
Name DataType Description
DataSet [in] 1:DataSetType The dataset to be loaded to the underlying system.
ExecutionFeedback [out] 1:MethodExecutionFeedbackType The extended feedback returning a detailed message in case of execution failure.
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:InputArguments 0:PropertyType 0:Argument[1] M
0:HasProperty Variable 0:OutputArguments 0:PropertyType 0:Argument[1] M