


NodeId ns=1;i=2003
NodeClass VariableType
BrowseName 1:ResultValueType
DisplayName ResultValueType
Description It is used to report measurement values of the joining operation. Those are meant to characterize the quality of the process.
BaseType 0:BaseDataVariableType
IsAbstract False
DataType 1:ResultValueDataType
ValueRank Any
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasComponent Variable 1:HighLimit 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Double O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:LowLimit 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Double O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:Name 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:String O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:ReporterId 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Guid O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:ResultEvaluation 0:BaseDataVariableType 1:ResultEvaluation O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:ResultStep 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:String O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:SensorId 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Guid O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:TargetValue 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Double O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:TracePointIndex 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Int32 O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:TracePointTimeOffset 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Double O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:Value 1:JoiningDataVariableType 0:Double M
0:HasComponent Variable 1:ValueId 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Guid O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:ValueTag 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Byte O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:ViolationConsequence 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Byte O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:ViolationType 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Byte O