



NodeId ns=1;i=28
NodeClass ObjectType
BrowseName 1:FeederModuleType
DisplayName FeederModuleType
Description Represents a feeder system. A feeder system is a subdevice of an automatic scale for conveying the product to or from the WeighingBridge.
BaseType 2:ComponentType
IsAbstract False
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasComponent Variable 1:FeederLoad 1:MeasuredItemType 0:Number O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:FeederRunning 0:PropertyType 0:Boolean O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:FeederSpeed 1:TargetItemType 0:Number O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:MaximumFeederSpeed 0:AnalogItemType 0:Number O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:MinimalFeederSpeed 0:AnalogItemType 0:Number O
0:HasComponent Method 1:SetFeederSpeed O