


NodeId ns=1;i=15067
NodeClass Method
BrowseName 1:SIDInspectingEvent
DisplayName SIDInspectingEvent
Parent 1:OPENSCSEventManagerObjectType
Name DataType Description
LabelCollection [in] 1:OPENSCSLabelCollectionDataType Identifies the Label Collection with Serial Numbers and optional label properties.
SNFormat [in] 0:String Defines the format of the serial numbers associated to the event.
OPENSCSEventContext [in] 1:OPENSCSKeyValueDataType[] Zero or mode key value pairs that define additional context information for the event, such as order number or lot number.
ReturnStatus [out] 1:OPENSCSReturnEnum Returns the status of the method execution.
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:InputArguments 0:PropertyType 0:Argument[] M
0:HasProperty Variable 0:OutputArguments 0:PropertyType 0:Argument[] M