


NodeId ns=1;i=3005
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:OPENSCSEventStreamArgumentDataType
DisplayName OPENSCSEventStreamArgumentDataType
Description Defines the generateOptions argument for an EPCISStream GenerateFileForWrite method. It defines the serial number format information for object events and for aggregation events, and event context information.
BaseType 0:Structure
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Description
SNFormat 0:String The format for of serial numbers in object events, can be a null string if there are no object events in the transferred events.
ParentSNFormat 0:String The format for of parent serial numbers in aggregation events, can be a null string if there are no aggregation events in the transferred events.
PackedElementSNFormat 0:String The format for of packed element serial numbers in aggregation events, can be a null string if there are no aggregation events in the transferred events.
EventContext 1:OPENSCSKeyValueDataType[] Zero or more key value pairs that define additional context information for the event, such as order number or lot number.