


NodeId ns=1;i=3009
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:JobOrderStateEnum
DisplayName JobOrderStateEnum
Description Describes the possible serial number statesjob order states.
BaseType 0:Enumeration
IsAbstract False
Name Value Description
Undefined_0 0 defined value, should never be seen.
Waiting_1 1 The necessary pre-conditions have not been met and the order is not ready to run.
Ready_2 2 The necessary pre-conditions have been met and the order is ready to run, awaiting a Start command.
Loaded_3 3 In situations where only one job may be in active memory and is able to be run, then the job is loaded in active memory, the necessary pre-conditions have been met, and the order is ready to run, awaiting a Start command.
Running_4 4 The order is executing.
Completed_5 5 The order has been completed and are no longer in execution.
Aborted_6 6 The order was aborted.
Held_7 7 The order has been temporarily stopped due to a constraint of some form.
Suspended_8 8 The order has been temporarily stopped due to a deliberate decision within the execution system.
Closed_9 9 The order has been completed and fully reconciled. No further changes, or restatement of actuals is expected.
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:EnumValues 0:PropertyType 0:EnumValueType[10] M