


NodeId ns=1;i=7006
NodeClass Method
BrowseName 1:GetResultIdListFiltered
DisplayName GetResultIdListFiltered
Parent 1:ResultManagementType
Name DataType Description
Filter [in] 0:ContentFilter Filter used to filter for specific results based on the meta data of the results. Valid BrowsePaths used in the filter can be built from the fields of the ResultReadyEventType, the ResultType VariableType or the ResultDataType or corresponding subtypes.
OrderedBy [in] 0:RelativePath[] An array of BrowsePaths (as array of QualifiedName) identifying the ordering criteria for the results. If the array is null or empty, no ordering is executed. If several BrowsePaths are provided, the first entry in the array is used as first ordering criteria, etc.
MaxResults [in] 0:UInt32 Defines how many resultIds the Client wants to receive at most. If no maximum should be provided, it is set to 0.
Timeout [in] 0:Int32 With this argument the client can give a hint to the server how long it will need access to the result data. A value > 0 indicates an estimated maximum time for processing the data in milliseconds. A value = 0 indicates that the client will not need anything besides the data returned by the method call. A value < 0 indicates that the client cannot give an estimate. The client cannot rely on the data being available during the indicated time period. The argument is merely a hint allowing the server to optimize its resource management.
ResultHandle [out] 0:Handle The server shall return to each client requesting result data a system-wide unique handle identifying the result set / client combination. This handle has to be used by the client to release the result set. If the instance of ResultManagementType does not support the ReleaseResultHandle Method, the resultHandle should always be set to 0. If the error is set to a value other than 0, the resultHandle may be set to 0.
ResultIdList [out] 0:TrimmedString[] List of resultIds of results matching the Filter.
Error [out] 0:Int32 0 – OK Values > 0 are reserved for errors defined by this and future standards. Values < 0 shall be used for application-specific errors.
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:InputArguments 0:PropertyType 0:Argument[4] M
0:HasProperty Variable 0:OutputArguments 0:PropertyType 0:Argument[3] M