



NodeId ns=1;i=3006
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:AASEntityTypeDataType
DisplayName AASEntityTypeDataType
BaseType 0:Enumeration
IsAbstract False
Name Value Description
CoManagedEntity 0 Self-Managed Entities have their own AAS. This is why a reference to this asset is specified as well (Entity/asset). Additionally, further property statements (compare to [15]) can be added to the asset that are not specified in the AAS of the asset itself because they are specified in relation to the complex I4.0 Component only.
SelfManagedEntity 1 For co-managed entities there is no separate AAS. The relationships and property statements of such entities are managed within the AAS of the composite I4.0 Component.
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:EnumValues 0:PropertyType 0:EnumValueType[2] M