


NodeId ns=1;i=1061
NodeClass ObjectType
BrowseName 1:DEXPISupplementaryDataType
DisplayName DEXPISupplementaryDataType
Description Additional data including the original XML source file, the DEXPI specification as UML XMI and used version numbers for the DEXPI specification and the Proteus schema
BaseType 1:BaseDEXPIObjectType
IsAbstract False
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasComponent Object 1:DEXPIXMIFile 0:FileType O
0:HasComponent Object 1:ProteusXMLFile 0:FileType O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:ProteusXMLExternalLink 0:PropertyType 0:String O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:DEXPIXMIExternalLink 0:PropertyType 0:String O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:DEXPISpecificationVersion 0:PropertyType 0:String O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:ProteusSchemaVersion 0:PropertyType 0:String O