


NodeId ns=1;i=3160
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:PrimaryPartType
DisplayName PrimaryPartType
BaseType 0:Enumeration
IsAbstract False
Name Value Description
Antenna 0
Battery 1
BoltMountedFixing 2
BoltTerminal 3
BridgeTerminal 4
CableDuct 5
CableTie 6
Capacitor 7
CavityAccessory 8
CavityPlug 9
CavitySeal 10
ConnectorHousing 11
ConnectorHousingCap 12
ConnectorHousingCover 13
CorrugatedPipe 14
Diode 15
EdgeMountedFixing 16
EEComponent 17
Ferrite 18
Fitting 19
Fixing 20
Fuse 21
Grommet 22
HoleMountedFixing 23
MultiCavityPlug 24
MultiCavitySeal 25
MultiFuse 26
Other 27 <p>The<i>PrimaryPartType</i>"<i>Other</i>" is used for parts that are described by a direct instance of<i>PartOrUsageRelatedSpecification</i>. These are parts that do not have a specific classification in the VEC and can be described with a<i>PartOrUsageRelatedSpecification</i>and<i>CustomProperties.</i>The corresponding<i>Role</i>is the<i>SpecificRole.</i></p>
OpenWireEndTerminal 28
OpenWireEnd 29
PartStructure 30 <p>The<i>PrimaryPartType</i>"<i>PartStructure</i>" has an inconsistency with VEC conventions for historical reasons, which is kept for backwards compatibility. The corresponding<i>PartOrUsageRelatedSpecification</i>is the<i>PartStructureSpecification.</i>However, the corresponding<i>Role</i>is the<i>PartWithSubComponentsRole</i>.</p>
PluggableTerminal 31
PotentialDistributor 32
Relay 33
RingTerminal 34
ShrinkableTube 35
SpliceTerminal 36
Stripe 37
Tape 38
Terminal 39
Tube 40
Wire 41
WireEndAccessory 42
WireProtection 43
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:EnumValues 0:PropertyType 0:EnumValueType[44]