


NodeId ns=1;i=3013
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:StepTraceDataType
DisplayName StepTraceDataType
Description It is to describe of the trace for a given program step. It is used in JoiningTraceDataType.
BaseType 0:Structure
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Is Optional Description
StepTraceId 0:TrimmedString It is the system-wide unique identifier of the step trace.
StepResultId 0:TrimmedString It is the system-wide unique identifier of the associated step result.
NumberOfTracePoints 0:UInt32 It is the total number of trace points to be sent for each quantity.
SamplingInterval 0:Duration Yes It is the time between each sample in the given Trace array. This is required if applications want to reduce the amount of data by omitting the StepTraceContent array which represents TIME.
StartTimeOffset 0:Duration Yes It is the offset to the ProcessingTimes.StartTime in the Result instance. This value can be used to order the steps in execution order if same step is run multiple times.
StepTraceContent 1:TraceContentDataType[] It is an array of trace data which contains the samples of different quantities like torque, angle, time, etc. The array size of TraceContent array should be same for each quantity and that is determined by the NumberOfTracePoints value.