


NodeId ns=1;i=3007
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:ResultValueDataType
DisplayName ResultValueDataType
Description It is used to report measurement values of the joining operation. Those are meant to characterize the quality of the process. It is used in JoiningResultDataType and StepResultDataType.
BaseType 0:Structure
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Is Optional Description
MeasuredValue 0:Double It is the measured value of the given result. The value corresponds to the PhysicalQuantity attribute of JoiningDataVariableType.
Name 0:String Yes It is a user readable name of the given measurement value.
ResultEvaluation 2:ResultEvaluationEnum Yes It indicates whether the measured value is as per the configured limits and corresponds to a successful result or not.
ValueId 0:TrimmedString Yes It is the identifier of the given value if it is available in the system.
ValueTag 0:Int16 Yes It is an associated tag to the given measurement value to classify it based on the joining domain. Examples: FINAL, YIELD, SNUG, etc.
TracePointIndex 0:Int32 Yes It is the index to the trace sample array from which corresponds to this specific result.
TracePointTimeOffset 0:Duration Yes It is the time offset to point out the absolute time point in the array of trace samples. This may or may not match with an element in the TraceContent array. If it is not available in the TraceContent array, the value can be visualized in the trace graph via interpolation or some other plotting mechanisms.
ParameterIdList 0:TrimmedString[] Yes It is an array of parameter identifiers configured in the Program which is being monitored or sampled. Note: In most common cases, it can be a single identifier.
ViolationType 0:Byte Yes Indicates whether the measured value is above or below the configured limit. It is only relevant if program or step configuration is violated.
ViolationConsequence 0:Byte Yes It provides information on the consequence occurred due to the violation of the configurable limits. Examples: Step Transition, Abort Joining Operation. Is the consequence repairable or not, etc.
SensorId 0:TrimmedString Yes It is the system-wide unique identifier of the sensor which has reported the value.
LowLimit 0:Double Yes It provides the lower limit of the measured value as per the program.
HighLimit 0:Double Yes It provides the upper limit of the measured value as per the program.
TargetValue 0:Double Yes It provides the target value of the specific measurement in the program step.
ResultStep 0:String Yes It provides the step number or name of the program step which has generated the result. Note: This is not applicable for StepResultValues in StepResultDataType. This is added for OverallResultValues in JoiningResultDataType to get the information of the step which has reported the specific value.
PhysicalQuantity 0:Byte Yes It is to determine the type of the physical quantity associated to a given value(s).
EngineeringUnits 0:EUInformation Yes It is the engineering unit of the measured value.