NodeId | ns=1;i=3020 |
NodeClass | DataType |
BrowseName | 1:JoiningResultMetaDataType |
DisplayName | JoiningResultMetaDataType |
Description | This structure is a subtype of ResultMetaDataType. It is used to define additional meta data of a Result in a joining system. |
BaseType | 2:ResultMetaDataType |
IsAbstract | False |
Field Name | Data Type | Is Optional | Description |
JoiningTechnology | 0:LocalizedText | Yes | It is a human readable text to identify the joining technology. |
SequenceNumber | 0:UInt64 | Yes | It is the cyclic counter which is incremented for each result generated. |
Name | 0:String | Yes | It is the user-friendly name of the result. Examples: Job Result, Batch Result, etc. |
Description | 0:LocalizedText | Yes | It is the additional information associated with the result. It can contain information on the ResultConent. |
Classification | 0:Byte | Yes | It provides information on the classification of the result in the joining system. |
OperationMode | 0:Byte | Yes | It provides information on how the joining operation was performed. |
AssemblyType | 0:Byte | Yes | It provides the type of joining operation. |
AssociatedEntities | 1:EntityDataType[] | Yes | It is a list of identifiers associated to the given result. Examples: ProductId, VIN, SocketId, JointId, JoiningProcessId, etc. |
ResultCounters | 1:ResultCounterDataType[] | Yes | It is a list of counters associated to the given result. Examples: Batch Counter, Retry Counter, Channel Counter, etc. |
InterventionType | 0:Byte | Yes | It provides information on type of intervention which has occurred during the joining operation. |
IsGeneratedOffline | 0:Boolean | Yes | It indicates that the result is generated when the asset was offline. The default value is false. Note: The definition of offline status is application specific. Example: Wireless tool performing joining in radio shadow. |
ExtendedMetaData | 1:KeyValueDataType[] | Yes | It is used to send any additional meta data which cannot be sent using the existing properties. It shall be used only for sending meta data but not any content. |