


NodeId ns=1;i=3028
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:JointDataType
DisplayName JointDataType
Description This structure provides the joint information. Joint is the physical outcome of the joining operation which determines the properties of the point where multiple parts are assembled.
BaseType 0:Structure
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Is Optional Description
JointId 0:TrimmedString It is the identifier of the joint.
JointOriginId 0:TrimmedString Yes It is an identifier to track the changes made to the original instance in the system. Example: It can point to the identifier of the object when it was created for the first time. It should be an existing ID in the system if it is available else it can be NULL if it is not tracked in a joining system.
JointDesignId 0:TrimmedString Yes It is the identifier of the associated joint design.
CreationTime 0:UtcTime Yes It is the time when the joint was created.
LastUpdatedTime 0:UtcTime Yes It is the time when the joint was updated last time. If it is not available, it can be same as CreationTime.
Name 0:String Yes It is the name of the joint.
Description 0:LocalizedText Yes It is the description of the joint.
Classification 0:Int16 Yes It is the classification of the joint.
ClassificationDetails 0:LocalizedText Yes It is the details of the classification. It can also be used to provide any other type of classification. Examples: Safety Critical, etc.
JointStatus 0:TrimmedString Yes It is the status of the joint. Examples: Ok, InUse, NotInUse, NotYetDone, etc.
AssociatedEntities 1:EntityDataType[] Yes It is the list of entities associated to the joint. Examples: JoiningProcessId, JobId, QualityProcessId, SimulationProcessId, etc.
JoiningTechnology 0:LocalizedText Yes It is a human readable text to identify the joining technology.