


NodeId ns=1;i=3021
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:JointComponentDataType
DisplayName JointComponentDataType
Description This structure is the base container for any joint component such as Bolt, Rivet, Gasket, Glue string, etc. Note: The concrete definition of joint component is not defined in this version of the specification.
BaseType 0:Structure
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Is Optional Description
JointComponentId 0:TrimmedString It is the identifier of the joint component. Examples: BoltId, RivetId, GasketId, etc.
Name 0:String Yes It is the name of the joint component.
Description 0:LocalizedText Yes It is the description of the joint component.
Manufacturer 0:LocalizedText Yes It is the manufacturer of the joint component.
ManufacturerUri 0:String Yes It is the identifier of the manufacturer.
JointComponentContent 0:BaseDataType Yes It is the content of the joint component. Examples: Bolt, Rivet, Gasket, etc.