VerifyAssetCmd |
0 |
The addressed Server shall verify compatibility and/or identity for all requested Assets. |
VerifyFunctionalEntityCmd |
1 |
The addressed Server shall verify compatibility for all requested functional entities. |
CreateConnectionEndpointCmd |
2 |
The addressed Server shall create or modify ConnectionEndpoints. |
EstablishControlCmd |
3 |
The addressed Server shall establish control over the requested ControlGroups. |
SetConfigurationDataCmd |
4 |
The addressed Server shall apply the supplied application configuration. |
ReassignControlCmd |
5 |
The addressed Server shall reassign the requested ControlGroups. |
ReserveCommunicationIdsCmd |
6 |
The addressed Server shall reserve identifiers for the communication model configuration. |
SetCommunicationConfigurationCmd |
7 |
The addressed Server shall apply the supplied communication model configuration. |
EnableCommunicationCmd |
8 |
The addressed Server shall enable the communication configuration. |