


NodeId ns=1;i=3010
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:ISA95MaterialDataType
DisplayName ISA95MaterialDataType
Description Defines a material resource, a quantity, an optional description, and an optional collection of properties.
BaseType 0:Structure
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Is Optional Description
MaterialClassID 0:String Yes An identification of the resource, or null if the Material Class is not used to identify the material.
MaterialDefinitionID 0:String Yes An identification of the resource, or null if the Material Definition is not used to identify the material.
MaterialLotID 0:String Yes An identification of the resource, or null if the Material Lot is not used to identify the material.
MaterialSublotID 0:String Yes An identification of the resource, or null if the Material Sublot is not used to identify the material.
Description 0:LocalizedText[] Yes Additional information and description about the resource.
MaterialUse 0:String Yes Information about the expected use of the material, see the ISA 95 Part 2 standard for defined values.
Quantity 0:DecimalString Yes The quantity of the resource
EngineeringUnits 0:EUInformation Yes The Unit Of Measure of the quantity
Properties 1:ISA95PropertyDataType[] Yes Any associated properties, or empty if there are no properties defined.