


NodeId ns=1;i=1021
NodeClass ObjectType
BrowseName 1:ResultType
DisplayName ResultType
Description The ResultType provides the results of a specific program run.
BaseType 0:BaseObjectType
IsAbstract False
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 1:ApplicationUri 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:Description 0:PropertyType 0:LocalizedText M
0:HasComponent Object 1:FileSet 1:ResultFileSetType M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:SupervisoryJobId 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:Samples 0:PropertyType 1:SampleInfoType[1] M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:Started 0:PropertyType 0:DateTime M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:Stopped 0:PropertyType 0:DateTime M
0:HasComponent Object 1:ProgramTemplate 1:ProgramTemplateType M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:User 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasComponent Object 1:VariableSet 1:VariableSetType M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:Properties 0:PropertyType 1:KeyValueType[1] M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:SupervisoryTaskId 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:DeviceProgramRunId 0:PropertyType 0:String O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:TotalRuntime 0:PropertyType 0:Duration O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:TotalPauseTime 0:PropertyType 0:Duration O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:EstimatedRuntime 0:PropertyType 0:Duration O