



NodeId ns=1;i=3002
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:WwMessageArgumentValueDataType
DisplayName WwMessageArgumentValueDataType
Description The WwArgumentValueDataType definition defines the possible types of an argument value.
BaseType 0:Union
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Description
Array 1:WwMessageArgumentValueDataType[1] The content of the value as an array of the own type
Boolean 0:Boolean The content of the value as a boolean
Int16 0:Int16 The content of the value as a 16 bit integer
Int32 0:Int32 The content of the value as a 32 bit integer
Int64 0:Int64 The content of the value as a 64 bit integer
SByte 0:SByte The content of the value as a 8 bit integer
UInt16 0:UInt16 The content of the value as a 16 bit unsigned integer
UInt32 0:UInt32 The content of the value as a 32 bit unsigned integer
UInt64 0:UInt64 The content of the value as a 64 bit unsigned integer
Byte 0:Byte The content of the value as a 8 bit unsigned integer
DateTime 0:DateTime The content of the value as a datetime
Guid 0:Guid The content of the value as a GUID
LocalizedText 0:LocalizedText The content of the value as a localized text
Double 0:Double The content of the value as a double
Float 0:Float The content of the value as a float
String 0:String The content of the value as a string
Other 0:String The content of the value has no standard format and is instantiated as a string