The WoT specification defines both a TD and a Protocol Binding.

The WoT TD is defined here:

The WoT Protocol Binding is defined here:

The goal of this Companion Specification is to create a thin interface for configuring industrial connectivity software in a standardized way. By keeping the interface to a minimum, the chances of adoption by the industry are increased.

An example WoT TD is provided below:


"@context": [



"id": "urn:pac4200",

"securityDefinitions": {

"nosec_sc": {

"scheme": "nosec"



"security": [



"@type": [



"name": "modbus-pac4200-sn324",

"base": "modbus+tcp://",

"title": "Siemens SENTRON PAC4200",

"properties": {

"Voltage": {

"type": "number",

"readOnly": true,

"observable": true,

"forms": [


"href": "7?quantity=2",

"op": [




"modv:type": "xsd:float",

"modv:entity": "holdingRegister",

"modv:pollingTime": 2000






Open-source WoT Thing Description parsers are available at: