This information model provides the necessary ObjectTypes to model a textile testing device interface in a structure as illustrated in an instance example in Figure 6. There are ObjectTypes that are used to identify the TTD (MachineIdentificationType), to manage the recipes on the TTD (RecipeManagementType), to manage the results on the TTD (ResultManagementType), to get notifications and events generated by the TTD (NotificationType), to get information about the device state and the operation mode of the TTD (MachineryItemState_StateMachineType, MachineryOperationModeStateMachineType) and the resulting machine statistics (MachineStatisticsType) as well as properties containing information about the device configuration (AvailableExchangeableParts, InstalledTesterModules, TestProcedureIds).


Figure 6 – Instance example for "OPC UA Information model for Textile Testing Devices"