InboundWeight gives the result of the InboundWeighing method in a separate variable.

InboundScale defines the NodeId of the scale that was used for measuring the InboundWeight in a multi-scale-system

OutboundWeight gives the result of the OutboundWeighing and a CheckWeighing method in a separate variable.

OutboundScale defines the NodeId of the scale that was used for measuring the OutboundWeight in a multi-scale-system.

DeltaWeight gives the loaded or unloaded net weight and is defined by the difference between InboundWeight and OutboundWeight. In case of OutboundWeighing only, the delta is defined by OutboundWeight minus tare.

Tare defines the tare value for the vehicle, used during a one pass transaction. This is different than the tare set on the terminal for regular weighing.

TareExpirationDate is the date on which the tare expires.

TotalWeight is the sum of net weights for the vehicle defined in VehicleId.

TotalWeightResetDate is the date on which the TotalWeight was reset last time.

VehicleId is a unique identifier to determine which vehicle is present (e.g., license plate number or wagon number).

Material is the name of the material.

CarrierDisplayName is the display name of the carrier that is involved in the occurring process.

CarrierId is the number of the carrier that is involved in the occurring process.

DriverDisplayName is the display name of the driver who is involved in the occurring process.

DriverId is the number of the driver who is involved in the occurring process.

Customer is an address of the customer who is involved in the occurring process.

Destination is the address of the destination that is involved in the occurring process.

Supplier is the address of the supplier that is involved in the occurring process.

ScaleOperatorId defines the ID of the operator that is triggering and the operation of the scale.

The components of the VehicleProductType have additional references which are defined in Table 127.

Table 127 – VehicleProductType Additional Subcomponents

Source Path














DeltaWeight.IsFilling defines if the deltaWeight is a filling weight or an unloading weight.