PreChargeType defines if the pre-charge applies to AC or DC voltages. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 110 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.

Table 110 – PtPrechargeAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes


Value Attribute

Description Attribute



[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "AC/DC", "Description": "AC input, DC output" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "DC/DC", "Description": "DC input, DC output" } ]

PreChargeTime is the time required to increase pre-charge output voltage from zero to the PreChargeThreshold with a load of PreChargeMaximumCapacitance. The unit shall be seconds [s].

PreChargeThreshold is the pre-charge output voltage where the pre-charge function stops. The unit shall be volts [V].

PreChargeTimeout is the time limit of the pre-charge operation. The pre-charge starts operating when it detects an applied voltage and stops operating after this time regardless of the DC bus voltage. The unit shall be seconds [s].

PreChargeMaximumCapacitance is the maximum DC bus capacitance that can safely be charged and discharged over the PreChargeCycleTimeLimit time. The unit shall be farads [F].

PreChargeCycleTimeLimit is the minimum time period between making connections to the charging source. This time limit may be an average over some longer time period. The unit shall be seconds [s].

Note: The object definitions for PtCapacitanceAttributes differ from the capacitance defined here.