In the Table 18 the properties that are required for identifying assets of a powertrain are described. Since there are already several OPC UA specification existing that are covering similar topics, this specification shall reuse them where possible. The following specifications have been identified as relevant:

  • OPC 10000-100 – Device Integration
  • OPC 40001-1 – OPC UA for Machinery
  • OPC 10000-81 – Information Model and Connecting Devices

The general assumption is that any VDMA Companion Specification shall be in line with the OPC 40001-1. So that this approach is also followed here.

Additionally, this specification shall also be compliant to the OPC 10000-81 (Information Model & Connecting Devices) specification, since the defined PtAssetType shall be usable by the OPC UA FX Motion specification as well.

Objects are compliant to the FxAssetType if they are instances of the type FxAssetType, a subtype of it or if they implement the required interfaces which are IVendorNameplateType, ITagNameplateType of OPC 10000-100 and IAssetRevisionType of OPC 10000-81.

Since this specification shall be usable standalone and independent from OPC 10000-81 it follows the approach of implementing the interfaces to be compliant.

Figure 67 shows the overview of the PtAssetType and its identification concept including all related specifications and type definitions.


Figure 6 7 – PtAssetType

The PtAssetType references directly the IDeviceHealthType and the ISupportInfoType from OPC 10000-100.

By that it gets the property DeviceHealth as well as the folders for DeviceTypeImage, ImageSet, Documentation and ProtocolSupport.

It uses the IMachineryItemVendorNameplateType in order to get the InitialOperationDate property.

Further a new interface type called IPtTagNameplateType is defined. This is derived from the IMachineTagNameplateType in order to get the Location property. Further it adds the Comment, ContactInformation and Function properties.

Finally, to ensure the compatibility to OPC 10000-81 it implements the IAssetRevision interface.

The PtAssetType is a component in the sense of the OPC 40001-1 specification and therefore also be compliant to that. To ensure that compatibility the PtAssetType must provide an object called Identification which is an instance of the MachineryComponentIdentificationType or a subtype.

In OPC 10000-81 the identification properties are assembled below the asset whereas the OPC 40001-1 uses an object as and add-in for structuring. This specification shall bring both approaches together to be compatible to them. This concept is exemplary illustrated in Figure 68. Since both, the interfaces of OPC 10000-81 and the Identification add-in, are optional the model can be also used standalone.


Figure 6 8 – Sample Instance which is Compliant to OPC 10000-81 and OPC 40001-1