OPC 40082-3: PlasticsRubber - Peripheral devices - LSR Dosing Systems
Released 1.02
This document is subject to the license terms described here.
The general OPC Foundation specification license agreement also applies and can be found here.
This document is a copy of the original which can be found here.
This document defines nodes in the following nodesets:
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and conventions
3.1 Overview
3.2 Conventions used in this document
3.3 Abbreviations
4 General information to OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery and OPC UA
5 Use cases
6 LDS_InterfaceType
6.1 LDS_InterfaceType Definition
6.2 DisplayLanguage
6.3 DeviceEnabled
7 Identification
8 MachineConfiguration
9 OperationType
9.1 DeviceMappingNumber
9.2 IdentifyDevice
9.3 HighestActiveAlarmSeverity
9.4 ActiveErrors
9.5 ResetAllErrors
9.6 ResetErrorById
9.7 SetCycleNumber
9.8 MaterialBalanceSystemType
9.9 ActivateMaterialBalanceSystem
9.10 DeliveryType
9.11 DeliveryPressure, DeliveryPressureMeasuringPoint
9.12 DeliveryFlowrate
9.13 ActualShotWeight
9.14 SetShotWeight
9.15 SetValueCompositeDensity
9.16 MixingRatioTarget
9.17 MaxDeviationMixingRatio, TargetDeviationMixingRatio, ActualDeviationMixingRatio
9.18 RemainingMaterialTime
9.19 PurgeMode
9.20 PurgeStatus
9.21 PurgeQuantity
9.22 PurgeTimeout
9.23 PurgeCyclicQuantity
9.24 PurgeCyclicIdleTime
9.25 PurgeCyclicActive
9.26 ActivateRemoteControl
9.27 RemoteControlActivated
9.28 StartDosing, StopDosing, DosingActive
9.29 LDSCycleParametersEventType
9.29.1 CycleNumber
9.29.2 DosingTime
9.29.3 MixingRatioTarget
9.29.4 MixingRatioActual
9.29.5 AdditivesRatioTarget
9.29.6 AdditivesRatioActual
9.29.7 VolumeA
9.29.8 VolumeB
9.29.9 VolumeAB
9.29.10 VolumeAdditives
9.29.11 VolumeTotal
9.29.12 ResidualAmountA
9.29.13 ResidualAmountB
9.29.14 MixingPointPressureA
9.29.15 MixingPointPressureB
9.29.16 MixingPointPressureBlender
9.29.17 AdditivesPressure
9.29.18 FilterPressurePrimary, FilterPressureSecondary
10 ComponentType
10.1 SetValueDensity
10.2 SetSetValueDensity
10.3 ActualPressure
10.4 ActualFollowerPlatePressure
10.5 SetFollowerPlatePressure
10.6 DrumCapacity
10.7 ResidualAmount
10.8 RemainingMaterialTime
10.9 AllowsCycles
10.10 Status
11 AdditiveType
11.1 IsPresent
11.2 ActivateAdditive
11.3 AdditiveActivated
11.4 Status
11.5 AdditiveFraction
11.6 AdditiveStrokeVolume
11.7 ActivateClosedLoopControl
11.8 ClosedLoopControlActivated
12 Alarmmanagement
12.1 ComponentAlarmType
12.2 AdditiveAlarmType
13 Profiles and Conformance Units
13.1 Conformance Units
13.2 Profiles
13.2.1 Profile list
13.2.2 Server Facets Overview OPC 40082-3 Basic Server Profile OPC 40082-3 Alarms Server Facet
14 Namespaces
14.1 Namespace Metadata
14.2 Handling of OPC UA Namespaces
Annex A (normative)OPC 40082-3 Namespace and mappings