This filter system is used for the filtration of laser dust. It is modelled as a filter system with one filter unit. Physically, three different filter types are installed: a cartridge filter (CartridgeFilter1), a HEPA storage filter (CartridgeFilter2), and a sorption filter (CartridgeFilter3). In the PAEFS data model, all three filters are represented by the cartridge filter type. Assigned to CartridgeFilter1 are a device for adding filter aids to bind sticky and very fine laser smoke, and a cleaning unit for removing dust from the cartridge filter.

The assignment in the PAEFS data model is done via the Uses reference. The system also has several safety systems that are connected to the component to be monitored via a Uses reference.


Figure 9 – Components installed in the air filtration system of example 2


Figure 10 – Formal representation of example 2