Recursive structures should be avoided when creating DataTypes, ObjectTypes or VariableTypes. Recursive means, that for example an ObjectType contains, either directly or indirectly, an InstanceDeclaration of itself.
However, sometimes recursive structures are helpful and cannot be avoided. In this case, the following rules should be followed:
If an ObjectType or VariableType contains an InstanceDeclaration of itself, neither Mandatory or MandatoryPlaceholder ModellingRules should be used, as this would make it either impossible to instantiate or has to lead to indirect self-references. Optional or OptionalPlaceholder ModellingRules can be used, however, implementations need to make sure that they do not end in an infinite loop when instantiating.
If a Structured DataType contains itself in a field, it needs to provide mechanisms allowing to end the recursion. In case of DataTypes a self-reference is not possible. Mechanisms allowing to end the recursion is either to define the field as optional or have an array of the DataType (potentially indirectly) that is allowed to be empty or to define mandatory fields that allow NULL values. This way, the recursion can be ended. Nevertheless, implementations need to make sure that creating a value does not end in an infinite loop and also receivers of potentially recursive values should implement a maximum level of depth they support.
Note that a structured DataType containing itself (without indirection of an array or having a field allowing subtypes) will produce issues with code generation.