When modelling information, there is often the need to expose a set of things. This can be a set of values, or a set of Objects. The order of those may be of importance, or not.

There are different approaches doing this in OPC UA.

  1. Variable with an array of potentially structured data
  2. Variable with an array exposing the entries as subvariables
  3. Referenced Objects, often grouped by a grouping Object
  4. Ordered Objects using the OrderedListType (see OPC 10000-5)

The simplest approach is providing a Variable with an array of values (approach 1). The array automatically has an order. Clients can subscribe to any changes in the array, and the array can be written at once. If the server supports this, even individual entries or ranges can be read from the array. The disadvantages are, that no individual entries of the array can be referenced and no additional information (e.g., engineering unit) can be added to the entries of the array.

The second approach keeps the advantages of the first, and also allows to reference individual entries of the array from other Nodes in the Information Model by referencing the subvariables. Also, it is possible to add information to the individual subvariables, like Properties. There are two ways to model this, one using the ModellingRule ExposesItsArray, and the second using the ReferenceType HasStructuredComponent. OPC 10000-3 describes the differences. The first keeps the subvariable independent of its place in the array, the second represents the order in the array, i.e., if the order changes, the values change as well. Depending whether the individual entry is of importance, or the order, one or the other approach should be used.

The third approach is to expose Objects for entries and thereby having the full capabilities of Objects, including Methods, but not providing any order. Each Object needs to be accessed individually. If the set of Objects is dynamic, the NodeVersion and ModelChangeEvent can be used to inform the Client about changes. This approach is typically combined with a grouping Object (see 7.2.8).

If the order of the Objects is of importance, the fourth approach should be used, using the OrderedObjectType. Details on the ObjectType are defined in OPC 10000-5.