As shown in Figure 4, the IP configuration can be modelled in one Variable using a structured DataType.
Figure 4 – Example of structured DataType and one Variable using the DataType
The advantages of this approach are, that the data is accessed in a transactional context and the Server can provide a consistent configuration. The structured DataType can be constructed in a way that the Server does not have to convert the data. The server can pass the data directly to the specific Client. When writing the data, this is also done in a transactional context, the Server can either accept or reject the full new configuration.
The disadvantages are that the generic Client might not be able to access and interpret the data or at least has the burden to read the DataTypeDefinition to interpret the data. The structure of the data is not visible as Nodes in the AddressSpace; additional Properties describing elements of the data structure cannot be added to the adequate places since they do not exist in the AddressSpace. Individual parts of the data cannot be read without accessing the whole data structure. This is also true for writing. The Client has to write all data of the structure, even if it only wants to change a part of it.