All BrowseNames should be PascalCase (also known as upper camel case), that is, all words written without spaces, and the first character of each word is upper case, the other characters are lower case. Examples: ReferenceType, BaseObjectType, Int32

If an acronym or abbreviation is used, PascalCase should also be used. Examples: PortMacAddress (where MAC is an acronym for Media Access Control), NodeId (where ID is an abbreviation for identification), UInt32 (where U is an abbreviation for unsigned).

In general, it is recommended to only use letters, digits or the underscore (‘_’) as characters for the BrowseName for TypeDefinitions (ObjectTypes, VariableTypes, DataTypes, ReferenceTypes and InstanceDeclarations), unless it is explicitly defined like “<” and “>” for optional placeholders. This also applies for field names of Structure DataTypes and EnumStrings or EnumValues of Enumerations.

Remark: If special chars like “&”, “<”, etc. are used, the UaNodeSet should define the optional SymbolicName for that Node. This can then be used for code generation.

There is no recommendation on the use of prefixes. Companion specifications may use a prefix because it suits their model. For example, if the Vision Companion Specification were to define types based on generic concepts (say a state machine), then using the prefix “Vision” may make sense (as in “VisionStateMachineType”).