The Clearway method is called by a partnering machine to indicate that the dozer should move out of the other machine’s way.

The RequestStopOperation is called by a partnering machine to indicate that the dozer should stop its operation to let the other machine pass.

The RequestResumeOperation method is called by a partnering machine to indicate that the dozer can resume its dozing work.

The SetWorkJob method is called by a partnering machine to set a new dozer work job.

The ExclusionZone method indicates the zone which any other machine cannot enter as the dozer is currently performing it’s work within that zone.

The MachinePose variable describes the pose of the dozing machine in terms of location coordinates, orientation and (optional) base frame.

Please refer to OPC 10000-100, OPC 40001-1, OPC 40560 and OPC 40565-1 for the descriptions of other inherited instance declarations.