In this state, the system is characterized by the following properties:

  • System is powered on, this is the initial state after power on
  • No recipes are loaded
  • No mode of operation is selected
  • No error is detected

This state shall be entered automatically upon startup.

If an error is detected, the system shall transit to the Error state.

This state can be entered from any state, either by an automatic transition or caused by calling the Reset method.

From this state, all other states on this level can be reached, either by an automatic transition or by calling the Halt method for the Halted state or the SelectModeAutomatic method for sub-state Initialized of the Automatic mode SubStateMachine of state Operational. (see 8.3 for the description of the Automatic mode SubStateMachine and see 8.3.9 for implementation remarks on state machines derived from VisionStateMachineType for other modes of operation) or other SelectMode methods for other, vendor-specific, sub state machines of the Operational state.

This state can be a composite state with an optional VisionStepModelStateMachineType SubStateMachine.