This section introduces the “OPC UA Information Model for Machine Tools”.

This Information Model provides the necessary ObjectTypes to model a machine tool interface in a structure as illustrated in Figure 6. There are ObjectTypes that are used to identify the machine tool (MachineToolIdentificationType), to monitor the machine tool (Monitoring Type), to manage the production (Production Type) on the machine tool, to handle the Equipment of the machine tool (EquipmentType) and to give notification on the status of the machine tool (NotificationType).


Figure 6 – Instance Example for OPC UA Information Model for Machine Tools

The ObjectType hierarchy of this Companion Specification is shown within the Figures 7-12. Objects from external specifications are positioned within greyish-green boxes.

Figure 7 shows the inheritance relations of the MachineToolType.


Figure 7 – Inheritance Hierarchy of the MachineToolType in the Machine Tools Interface

Figure 8 shows the inheritance hierarchy of all ObjectTypes used in the MachineToolType’s Identification component. This relates to the document structure in 8.3.


Figure 8 – Inheritance Hierarchy of the Identification in the Machine Tools Interface

Figure 9 shows the inheritance hierarchy of all types used in the MachineToolType’s Monitoring component. This conforms to the structure of the section Monitoring.


Figure 9 – Inheritance Hierarchy of the Monitoring in the Machine Tools Interface

[DEPRECATED in version 1.02] Figure 10 shows the inheritance hierarchy of all types used in the MachineToolType’s Production component. This conforms to the structure of the section Production.


Figure 10 – Inheritance Hierarchy of the Production in the Machine Tools Interface

Figure 11 shows the inheritance hierarchy of all types used in the MachineToolType’s Equipment component. This conforms to the structure of the section Equipment.


Figure 11 – Inheritance Hierarchy of the Equipment in the Machine Tools Interface

Figure 12 shows the inheritance hierarchy of all types used in the MachineToolType’s Notification component. This conforms to the structure of the section Notification.


Figure 12 – Inheritance Hierarchy of the Notification in the Machine Tools Interface