This VariableType is a Boolean indicating if the interlock is active. The instance of a Variable of InterlockVariableType shall have a descriptive name (display name) and include a description. The description shall describe the type of interlock. On a project basis an optional summary that details active interlocks may be implemented to support understanding of the open / close interlock status within the Object. For a given instance of an Object, any number of referenced interlocks may exist, where each instance would represent a specific interlock. The number of interlocks is determined at configuration time of the Object and could be different for each Object in a given well. Each interlock variable shall contain an InterlockFor reference to at least one of the following:
- NonDefeatableOpenInterlock,
- DefeatableOpenInterlock,
- NonDefeatableCloseInterlock,
- DefeatableCloseInterlock.
A given instance of an InterlockVariableType might be referenced by more than one valve Object or choke Object, but for all objects that reference a given instance of an InterlockVariableType there must be at least one InterlockFor reference.
Table 38 - InterlockVariableType
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
InterlockVariableType |
IsAbstract |
False |
ValueRank |
-1 (-1 = Scalar) |
DataType |
Boolean |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
ModellingRule |
RW |
Subtype of the BaseDataVariableType defined in OPC UA Part 5 |