For each menu of the IODD UserInterface/MenuCollection that is referenced directly or indirectly form the IODD UserInterface/ObserverRoleMenuSet, the IODD UserInterface/MaintenanceRoleMenuSet or the IODD UserInterface/SpecialistRoleMenuSet, an Object of ObjectType FunctionalGroupType is created.
The BrowseName of the Object shall be the Id of the IODD Menu. The DisplayName shall be the Name of the IODD Menu. Localization should be considered. The optional Description Attribute is vendor-specific and might be omitted.
For each IdentificationMenu reference (UIMenuSimpleRefT) from the IODD UserInterface/ObserverRoleMenuSet, the IODD UserInterface/MaintenanceRoleMenuSet and the IODD UserInterface/SpecialistRoleMenuSet a HasIdentificationMenu Reference shall be created from the corresponding Object defined in section 7.2. The referenced Object shall have the ModellingRule Mandatory.
For each ParameterMenu reference (UIMenuSimpleRefT) from the IODD UserInterface/ObserverRoleMenuSet, the IODD UserInterface/MaintenanceRoleMenuSet and the IODD UserInterface/SpecialistRoleMenuSet a HasParameterMenu Reference shall be created from the corresponding Object defined in section 7.2. The referenced Object shall have the ModellingRule Mandatory.
For each ObservationMenu reference (UIMenuSimpleRefT) from the IODD UserInterface/ObserverRoleMenuSet, the IODD UserInterface/MaintenanceRoleMenuSet and the IODD UserInterface/SpecialistRoleMenuSet a HasObservationMenu Reference shall be created from the corresponding Object defined in section 7.2. The referenced Object shall have the ModellingRule Mandatory.
For each DiagnosisMenu reference (UIMenuSimpleRefT) from the IODD UserInterface/ObserverRoleMenuSet, the IODD UserInterface/MaintenanceRoleMenuSet and the IODD UserInterface/SpecialistRoleMenuSet an HasDiagnosisMenu Reference shall be created from the corresponding Object defined in section 7.2. The referenced Object shall have the ModellingRule Mandatory.
In Figure 13 an example of how to map IODD menus is shown. On the left, an excerpt of an IODD is shown, and on the right, the OPC UA representation.
Figure 13 – Example on how to map IODD Menus from UserInterface
For each IODD Menu that has been added all MenuRefs shall reference the corresponding Objects with an Organizes Reference. If at least one IODD UIMenuRef does not provide an IODD MenuRef/Condition element, the ModellingRule shall be Mandatory, otherwise it shall be Optional.
In Figure 14 another example of how to map IODD menus is shown. On the left, an excerpt of an IODD is shown, and on the right, the OPC UA representation. In this example, IODD Menus contain other IODD Menus.
Figure 14 – Example on how to map IODD Menus containing IODD Menus